Monday, September 15, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Constructivist Approach…
Nancy Keck

Constructivism has its roots in philosophy and has been applied to sociology and anthropology, as well as cognitive psychology and education. Giambatista Vico commented in a treatise in 1710 that "one only knows something if one can explain it "(Yager, 1991).

Education should be viewed as learners constructing their own knowledge with teacher as facilitator. Learning is student – based…

In the new Connected Math Program…teachers assist the students in developing new insights by connecting them with prior learning experiences. Ideas are presented as broad concepts and then broken down into parts. The activities are student centered and students are encouraged to ask their own questions, carry out their own experiments, write or discuss their reflections on the activity.

Example from Moving Straight Ahead (Connected Math Program, 2008)

Problem 1.1
Finding and Using Rates

To determine your walking rate:
• Line up ten meter sticks, end to end (or mark off
100 meters), in the hall of your school.
• Have a partner time your walk.
• Start at one end and walk the length of the ten
meter sticks using your normal walking pace.

A. What is your walking rate in meters per second?
B. Assume you continue to walk at this constant rate.

1. How long would it take you to walk 500 meters?
2. How far could you walk in 30 seconds? In 10 minutes? In 1 hour?
3. Describe in words the distance in meters you could walk in a given
number of seconds.
4. Write an equation that represents the distance d in meters that you
could walk in t seconds if you maintain this pace.
5. Use the equation to predict the distance you would walk in 45 seconds.

Problems in the classroom…Teachers are used to “teaching” knowledge, it is hard not to direct students to the right answers.

Use cooperative or collaborative learning activities

Our students were involved in a “ropes” activity day that was designed to explore group interaction, problem solving, leadership, cooperation, collaboration skills, decision-making, trust, and cohesion in their teams. The students formed groups/teams and they were given a word to spell with their bodies. The other teams had to guess the word.
Problems…Hogs and logs…A few students will try to run everything while the others sit back and say nothing.
Learning is contextual: we do not learn isolated facts and theories in some abstract ethereal land of the mind separate from rest of our lives. We learn in relationship to what else we know, what we believe, our prejudices and our fears.
Our Students are involved in the America Supports You “Freedom Walk”

Walk with us... On 9/11...Celebrate Freedom... and Remember
On September 11, 2008 Greenwood Lakes Middle School will join with other cities and schools across America to host an America Supports You Freedom Walk to commemorate the lives lost on 9/11/2001 and honor veterans/current troops.

Date: September 11, 2008
Where: School Track/Greenwood Lakes Middle School (601 Lake Park Drive Lake Mary, Florida)
Time: 9:00 am

The America Supports You Freedom Walk is a national tradition that calls on people to reflect on the lives lost on September 11, 2001, remember those who responded, honor our veterans past and present, and renew our commitment to freedom and the values of our country. Each year the number of walks held throughout the nation grows, as more people are moved to participate. The tradition was born when Pentagon employees, seeking a way to honor the victims of the attack on the Pentagon and their families, and pay tribute to those who responded to that attack as well as those who serve, organized a walk from the Pentagon to the National Mall. Nearly 15,000 people took part. Now, America Supports You Freedom Walks are taking place in communities across the nation. Last year 255 communities participated, and every state was represented, along with eight nations overseas.

Contact: Nancy Keck, Margie Dilmore, or Robin Abrams
Greenwood Lakes Middle School
601 Lake Park Dr
Lake Mary, Fl
407 320-7650

Problems…Most of the “community service” activities have to be done on students’ own time.

The key to success lies in finding the appropriate points for integrating technology into new pedagogical practice, so that it support the deeper, more reflective self-directed activity children must use if they are to be competent adults in the future (Strommen & Lincoln, 1992).